reposting #introduction from @ and changing it a bit :baa:
Hello, I am Jeder, a 23 y/o enby/agender mess, on fedi since 08/2019, and posting in english and polish
I mostly post about stuff like motorsport(f1 and endurance[not as often as f1 though]), games like splatoon, taiko, or trackmania, and sometimes about LoveLive franchise. I also tend to rant about computers, my life, and polish politics.
I tend to forget about adding alt-text to my posts :baa: am sorry for that
Also I started streaming those games somewhat regularly on @jeder
I am autistic (and probably also have ADHD), and somewhere on the aromantic spectrum
My politics are like anarchist-leaning socialism but i am here for comf :baa:
I accept most of the follow requests, however generally I don't accept them if you have an empty profile, or are: a cryptobro or fascist/free speech enthusiast; general vibe checks are in place.